Tom Bromley


Latest articles from Tom Bromley

Word Up: Five lose their balls on coastal path walking weekend in Dorset

Last weekend, summer arrived. After spending the majority of the half term holidays under cloudy skies, the weather decided to make up for lost time with 48 hours of glorious sunshine. And as luck had it, I had arranged to spend the weekend walking with friends on the South West Coast Path. Rather than getting soaked, the main problem turned out to be sunburn.

Word-up: I missed out on Saturday night's Northern Lights display

Let’s begin this week with a quick thank you. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the plight of the Rocketship Bookshop, Salisbury’s independent children’s bookstore and asked readers to help. Turns out that some people do read this column after all, as the shop went on to have a good week and avert their immediate crisis. So to all of those who went in to buy a book, thank you! The power of traditional media, it seems, is still alive. 

Column MP claims business is booming while book shop calls mayday

A tale of two tweets, this week. The first is from Salisbury MP John Glen, writing in glowing terms about how well the country is doing. ‘Businesses are the backbone of our economy,’ he writes, ‘in challenging times they’ve shown enormous resilience and creativity, like so many of those I’ve visited in Salisbury. Great news that the highest number of businesses were incorporated in Q1 this year since records began.’