A CHARITY supporting bereaved families that have lost a child has thanked Salisbury Football Club for their support in fundraising.

Charlie’s Star is a south-west charity that provides families who have lost a child with a 7-day respite break in Cornwall. Their motto is to “create hope and smiles" for bereaved families.

It was set up by Barrie and Jane Burns, who lost their son Charlie to SUDEP (sudden unexpected death in epilepsy) when he was just 10 years old.

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On their website, they said: “When we lost Charlie we were lucky enough as a family to be selected to partake in a seven day holiday that Families Activity Breaks provide, ours was in Coverack in the deepest depths of Cornwall.

“The week was amazing and we have made some friends for life, all of which have lost a loved one in some devastating circumstances.

“In 2019 we reached a point in our lives where we felt that the time was right to start our own charity and so Charlie's Star Charity was launched.”

Salisbury Journal: Charlie's Star

The charity fundraise through events and activities, as each trip requires around £2000 in funding. Most recently, they have been raising funds at the football club.

Charity fundraiser and volunteer, Charlotte Musgrove, 23, said: “We have been so thankful for the club who have let us collect for our charity this season.

"On Saturday, April, 27, our team were out collecting essential donations and raising funds for families who have lost a child.

"We are always made to feel so welcome when we visit. We have won every time we have collected! Fingers crossed for the playoffs.”

Salisbury Journal: Charlie's Star

Charlotte began volunteering as her mum, Carol Musgrove, had been one of the nurses to look after Charlie when he had been in hospital.

Charlotte added: “Also, a massive thank you to Beverley and Sandra Ellis who have supported us this year by making and selling some delicious treats at every home match.

“They told us without the last match’s figures they have raised over £900 which is incredible!”

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Charlotte also told the Journal that other Salisbury businesses that support the charity are Stones Hotel, Hays Travel Amesbury, and Stratford Social Club.

Charlie’s Star are running further events throughout the year including a Sunflower Ball on September, 21 and a performance by the Navy Larks at Stratford social club on October, 11.

For more information, visit: https://www.charliesstar.org/