The Good
I promised I would report back if my new shopping adventure was working, yes it is underway and has started well, I am probably going to have one of the cheapest Easters ever,I sourced half price chickens from the Coop although not free range, they are barn reared in natural light and a vegetarian diet so for my £2.56p I got a very good bird. My friends sourced veg from Lidl’s cheapest around closely followed by Morrison’s with offers on other meats and fruit, we did have to confirm with each other what we needed, but we do feel we have all made good savings without spending a fortune on fuel also providing the perfect reason to meet up for coffee and gossip. There are good buys out there it is just keeping your eyes open in the papers or on the ads on the television.

The Bad
I feel that we are been given confusing statements in one paper this week I read it stated things are getting better, house prices are starting to rise again it shows signs of growth, I ask you how is that better? I cannot afford any house, in the same paper on the same day it said 4,500 jobs to be cut from another bank, it also quoted that some ministers think it could be years before we come through this. I understand fully we need to be thinking positively and to be creative to make employment but please let’s be concise about the facts it makes life a lot simpler.

The Ugly
Reading about the 2 boys that brutally injured the 2 boys who had gone fishing was to me one of the most upsetting things I have read, they are just children, and yet to want to take the lives of others shows they have no understanding of the value of life, it is likely they have few values of anything other than their own selfish survival, is this animal tactics, although even animals only tend to respond like this when hunting for food not pleasure. How do we begin to put this behaviour right, how do we teach children to care and share, surely this must come from the home and the heart. It has given me a lot to think about. Maybe it is time for morality lessons in school then children might even teach their parents. Happy Easter.