AUDITIONS for a new play at Studio Theatre in Ashley Road are being held next month with a read through taking place on Friday, October 30 at 7.30pm.

Female Transport by Steve Gooch, will be on stage from April 11 to April 16.

Auditions are on November 23 and 25 at 7.30pm.

The play is staged on a late 18th Century, paid off warship. Shortly after the end of the American Wars of Independence, several ‘fleets’ of ships were sent loaded with convicts to Botany Bay, Australia. .

 A couple were filled exclusively with female prisoners, such as The Lady Juliana.

Director Tim Greathead said: “There are six challenging female roles as lady convicts and four male roles as the ships crew.

“All are welcome to any of these events but will need to be a paid up member of Studio Theatre to take part in the production after the audition stage."

“The play will be lively, fast moving and fun.”