AN EXHIBITION of award-winning photography by Charlie Waite is coming to Mere.

The newly opened Beaumont Gallery hosts Silent Exchange from Thursday, March 3.

It brings together Waite’s most important landscapes to date as well as new works, spanning a lifetime at the forefront of landscape photography.

The exhibition will feature images from many different countries and include photographs of Wiltshire.

Waite said: “In this exhibition I am sharing my personal response to those moments of beauty that I have discovered as I travelled around the world – be they man-made or natural. The wonderful thing about photography is that it allows that moment of perceived beauty to endure, and to be shared. Each person will respond to the images in Silent Exchange in their own special, silent way. What evoked a response to beauty in me will have its own unique effect on each person that sees the image.”

Silent Exchange will run until Sunday, April 3.

Laura Rich and Andrew Walworth, of the Beaumont Gallery, added: “We’re delighted that Charlie Waite is bringing his amazing work to the gallery. He’s famed for the luminosity and inner quietude of his landscapes and with his exhibition Silent Exchange he simply asks the viewer to consider their own personal response to beauty and to question society’s contempt for beauty as an intrinsic value of art. We look forward to welcoming many new visitors to the gallery to be enriched by the beauty of his art.”

As part of the opening evening event on March 3, 7pm,Waite is generously donating the proceeds from the auction of one of his iconic photographs to Mere School.

The gallery opening times are 10am–4.00pm Thursday to Sunday or by appointment at any other time. Admission is free.