Salisbury Journal - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 13/09/2023

MONTGOMERY Patricia Mum You peacefully fell asleep whilst I held your hand Why God choose you I'll never understand He picked you out of all the rest And it's true what they say He only takes the best That morning in September Is a morning I'll forever remember My heart was broken No words were left unspoken Reminiscing through the years Whilst trying to fight back all the tears I hope you're at peace now Ma And your aches & pains are no more I will love you forever And miss you forever more Thank-you for being there For being the best Nan to my boys For your selflessness For all your love For just being you And showing us how much you care Thank-you for being my Mum Till we meet again Goodnight Ma, God Bless I Love You Kerrie & Steve xxxxxxx


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