A MERE School governor ran a half marathon to raise money for a new off-road wheelchair for a pupil.

Penny Deeker ran the Bath half marathon for ten-year-old Will Edkins who has cerebral palsy and uncontrolled epilepsy.

Will also has movement, posture and co-ordination problems and is unable to walk, but he enjoys being outside and needs a new off-road wheelchair to enable him to reach new places.

With the new wheelchair, which costs £4,000, he will be able to negotiate rough, uneven ground, gravel and even climb kerbs.

Mrs Deeker, who has raised about £1,700 in sponsorship, said: “What a great day it was. There was so much fantastic support from the crowds - I'm not sure it would have been possible without that and also knowing how much everyone had pledged. Thank you to everyone for their hugely generous support.”

Will's family said they have been touched by the generosity shown by so many people, particularly those who don't even know the family.

Jon Edkins, Will's father, said: “We are humbled by the amount Penny has raised. The fact that people put their hands in their pockets to give a boy a bit of freedom is so heart warming.”

To donate towards Will's wheelchair fund, send a cheque, made payable to Penny Deeker c/o Mere School, Springfield Road, Mere, BA12 6EW.

Payments by PayPal can also be sent to Penny@deeker.net.