THE Salisbury Bonsai Society April meeting was in two parts.

Clive talked about picking a tree from a garden centre, from the wild or your own garden.

He said we should look for a tree with movement and taper in the trees and trunk and how the branches can be trimmed later, and we discussed the merits of different soil mixes.

The raffle winner was Mary Dickie, and the tree of the month was won by Val with Tony in second place. Congratulations to all.

Then Malcolm took over and showed members how to trim some trees.

He also demonstrated how to take cuttings.

Thanks to both Clive and Malcolm for an interesting evening. We all came away much wiser.

Our May meeting has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Our next meeting will be on June 3.

This will be a talk on fruit trees as bonsai by Andrew Ford.

For further information please contact Grahame on 07785 565510 or Val on 01722 500157 or at