I AM exhausted. You are exhausted. The world is exhausted. Why? Because we are always on the go.

My mum has it almost right – she isn’t on facebook, she doesn’t even know what Twitter is and she certainly won’t “hang out” with me on Google plus, if I want her I call her, and if there is no answer I leave a message.

Matthew, my better half, on the other hand knows he can get me at a moment’s notice. He can tweet me, facebook me, text me, email me, or if things are really urgent, he can call me.

Most of us have smart phones so there is no getting away from modern communication.

Matthew knows I will probably check my email at least twice an hour (which in its own right is absolutely ridiculous) and if he tweets me I will get a notification he has sent me a message on Twitter, and thus I should reply.

But it is no different with clients. We used to have at least 24 hours before we had to get back to clients.

Now, if I haven’t got back to a client’s email within two hours they are tweeting me, facebooking me or texting me… What has happened to the world?

Of course there is no getting away from it, I can’t hide under a rock, I can’t go on holiday without still having to pick up emails and my life doesn’t have weekends. I am currently writing this on a Saturday. Purely because I need to – my weekdays are fast and furious.

What can we do about this, how can we train ourselves to be less beholden to modern technology and allow our lives to go back to how they used to be. Where have the days gone when a client or friend was happy to hear from you within 24 hours and you didn’t need to say sorry for not replying that evening?

I suffer with low blood pressure and my heart rate is slow, so fortunately all this stress hasn’t seemed to hit my body yet, but I watch my clients and my friends go through the same things that I go through and really suffer with the stress. Days off are a thing of the past, holidays are spent with an iPad for company, and it isn’t acceptable to leave customer queries longer than a couple of hours even if you are by a swimming pool in southern France.

But this holiday things will change. I will switch off the telephone, I will not go on wi-fi more than once a day and I will spend time with my children and Matthew. At least that is the plan, but who am I kidding… probably only me.