SMART business owners give stuff away for free.

No matter whom your business targets, giving something away for nothing could be the smartest move you choose to make today.

How many times have you received a gift for free from a business?

Have you ever wondered why restaurants offer free refills on soft drinks, or why gyms give away day passes for you to give to friends and family?

If you don’t already give something away for free, here are some reasons that may sway you: 1. Most importantly, by giving something away for free, it gives you the opportunity to capture people’s email addresses, build your database and start an ongoing relationship with a potential client.

2. It creates a warm feeling in potential buyers’ hearts.

It starts their journey off with you on a very positive footing, and it lets them try before they buy.

I give away my blogs, slide shares, and hints ad tips download. Apple gives away iTunes.

3. It creates a buying habit. When you have tried/bought something once, the chances are, if you like it, you’ll buy again.

By giving something away for free you are allowing the chance of a journey to be started with you.

4. Give something exceptional away and you can create a buzz about your business; if you really give value in your free gift you will raise your profile dramatically.

5. Lastly, I believe that what you give to the world comes back to you tenfold.

If you ask for paying business, potential customers can say no.

If you give it for free and gain trust and credibility, people will be more ready to say yes – and also tell their friends about how great you are. Remember – give and ye shall receive.

Your business isn’t always about your bottom line; good relationships, great customer service and a fantastic company ethos, coupled with giving a mountain of value away, will ensure that the money will come, guaranteed.