ONE thing that is plainly clear for many of you is that next year will be very similar to this year.

Remember, if you do what you always do you will only ever stand still, not grow.

Some of you will continue to be serial networking kings and queens, going to Ambassadors, The Salisbury Chamber 90 minutes, Women in Business, Women on Wednesday, BNi, 4 Networking… you see there are so many to choose from, and many go to all, if not most.

Think about the time you spend travelling, attending and preparing (I hope you prepare) for these events, plus the cost of actually being a member of them.

Does the cost deliver the return you are looking for, or are you just eating breakfast or lunch, chatting with your business friends and making yourself feel like you are doing something? Your answer to these questions, and your decision as to whether you continue to network as if it is going out of fashion, will determine your success.

Some of you will still believe that having an ad in the yellow pages and a website that isn’t search engine optimised will enable your business to grow. Be clear that your business will not grow if you don’t think outside the box or embrace modern marketing techniques.

A few of you will believe that updating your social media three times a week is enough; be warned it is not.

You cannot build online relationships this way. You need to ensure you know what you are doing online. Read a book, check out YouTube and visit my blogs ( There is guidance all around you - social media is not a guessing game.

Many of you will use the reason that you are unable to write as an excuse not to blog. It is no excuse; hire a copywriter. Blogging shows you know your industry better than anyone else. Be a leader, not a follower.

A percentage of you will have a data capture form on your website, yet fail to email your contacts with news that would be of value to them. An up-to-date email database is a weapon many do not use.

Only a couple of you still pick up the phone to coldcall prospects. If more of you did this you would grow your business far quicker than sitting on social media all day. Make five cold calls a day, and watch what happens.

Other quick wins: get a mentor, get a coach, work an hour a day ‘on’ your business, use LinkedIn to grow relationships, and finally do something different to what you have done this year. There are hundreds of ideas available; all you need to do is ask.