NEXT week is Valentine’s Day, and while the shops are crackling with the static of shiny red poly-blend, and heartbreak trickles through EastEnders like an unstoppable ooze, I feel that the day doesn't actually have much bearing on many of us.

When I’m in a relationship I – like many of my friends – will have a nice meal at home with my partner, but the day doesn't really mean anything to me.

Looking at the statistics though, it is the busiest time of year for dating websites. Perhaps those in relationships don't feel the need to celebrate, but for those who aren’t, it can be a reminder of what they don't have. Perhaps I will be one of their new customers this year.

I would rather burn my hand on the grill-pan than go to bars in the hope of meeting someone. However, I’ve had two stabs at internet dating in the past and would definitely recommend it for those who haven’t tried it before.

There are so many dating sites out there, and the first I tried was a big national one, which was often all about the spin – as I discovered not all the men on there were snowboarding, base-jumping, charity-work-doing, globetrotting individuals who also like cooking, spending time with their adorable nieces and nephews, and taking walks at sunset.

Some were (gasp) fibbing. But there were some nice ones as well.

Then recently I tried one of those ‘countryside’ ones, but sadly my love of the outdoors (walking, wildlife photography and having the odd barbecue) was quite different to theirs (shooting animals, hunting animals, and catching animals).

So I’m now looking for a site for other ‘people who worked a bit too much for a bit too long and then suddenly realised that all their friends were married with children and you therefore never meet any new people any more’.

There are so many specialist sites out there - including ones for pagans, shy people, tattoo enthusiasts and vegetarians – so surely this site will only be a matter of time?