What three words best describe you?
Passionate, fiery and straight-talking.

What is your most precious possession?
My health.

What is your favourite film?

What is your pet hate?
People who try to make others look bad in
order to make themselves look better.

If you could change one thing about the
place where you live, what would it be?

To be able to wake up and look out to sea.

What are you reading at the moment?
The Chimp Paradox by Dr Steve Peters.

Do you have any superstitions?

What is your favourite word?

And your least favourite word?

What would your last meal be?
Chateaubriand steak with chunky chips,
garlic mushrooms and a red wine jus
followed by white chocolate and berry

If you had one wish what would it be?
To ensure my family lives a long and fruitful

Is there a place in the world you would
like to visit above all others?


What do you wish you were good at?
I wish I could surf.

What would do with a million pounds?
Build education facilities in the UK to coach
people on the importance of health.

Who would you like to meet from history?
Marilyn Monroe.

What would your desert island luxury be?

If you could make or change any law,
what would it be?

I’d bring in free school meals for all primary
school children and make sure they are all
nutritionally balanced.

What was your first job?
I worked as a butcher’s assistant.

If you could take over someone’s job for
the day, whose would you pick?

I’d like to be in the prime minister’s shoes to
see how he copes with the pressure.

Do you have any children?
Yes, two gorgeous girls aged 26 and 19.

What would you like your epitaph to be?
She helped change women’s lives.

What would you tax people on?
I’d put a tax on sugary junk foods and make
healthy foods cheaper.

What is the most common misconception
about you?

I’m a hard task master.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
A glass (or two) of Rioja.

What has been your proudest moment?
When my granddaughter Annabelle was born.
I am so proud of my daughter Lesley, who is
such a great mum.