What three words best describe you?

Competitive, perfectionist, driven

What was the first record/CD you bought?

Jason Donovan and Kylie Minogue on cassette.

What is your favourite film?

I can’t sit still long enough to watch films.

What is your pet hate?

People who have no manners and are rude.

What are you reading at the moment?

Wedding magazines - I’m getting married in the summer.

Is there anything you are superstitious about?

I always put my hockey kit on the night before a match. If I didn’t do it I’d worry we would lose.

If you were choosing a last meal, what would it be?

Tapas, it allows me to have a bit of everything! And, of course, it’s washed down with lots of wine.

Is there a place in the world you would like to visit above all others?

I would pick three - Niagara Falls, Costa Rica (for the rainforest and active volcanoes) and New Zealand.

What do you wish you were good at?

Singing - I think everyone wishes I was better at this too.

If you had a time machine where would it take you?

Forward 100 years from now – I’d love to see if all the concerns about climate change and over consumption of resources have the devastating impacts predicted (Sorry, that’s the geography geek bit).

What was your most embarrassing moment?

Probably getting overexcited when Michael Johnson carried the Olympic torch through Salisbury. He has always been one of my idols so I jumped in front of him and started waving manically and saying ‘Hello Michael’. I think he thought I was a lunatic - the police asked me to move back out of his way.

If you were stranded on a desert island what luxury would you choose to have with you?


What would you never leave home without?

A smile.

What sports team do you support?

Liverpool FC.

What was your first job?

I was a waitress - but not a very good one, especially if people ordered soup. I always used to spill things or drop things.

If you could take over someone’s job for the day, whose would you pick?

David Attenborough.

If you had a superpower which one would you want?

The ability to read people’s minds – I’m really nosy.

What worries you the most?


What is your proudest moment?

Winning the National Hockey Championships when I was 12.

How did you meet your significant other?

At Salisbury Hockey Club – he spilt a pint of Snakebite all over me - anything to get my attention!