Which three words best describe you?

Competitive, active, determined.

What was the first record/CD you bought?

Pure Garage 1.

What is your favourite film?

Django Unchained.

What is your pet hate?

Food chewing noises.

If you could change one thing about the place where you live, what would it be?

I live near Southampton. I would increase the wave size so we can surf in the area, but it would probably mean getting rid of the Isle of Wight.

Is there anything you are superstitious about?

I always play rugby in budgie smugglers.

What is your favourite word?

Plethora (no idea why).

And your least favourite word?

Obviously (massively overused, especially by professional athletes in interviews).

If you were choosing a last meal, what would it be?

My mother’s lasagne.

Is there a place in the world you would like to visit above all others?

Australia. Having played a couple of seasons of cricket in Melbourne, I had the opportunity to travel around and see some wonderful places. I’m currently planning a trip down the west coast of America.

What do you wish you were good at?

Golf! The most frustrating sport if you’re not good.

If you had a time machine where would it take you?

England’s changing room, after the 2003 World Cup win over Australia.

Who was your first love?

My girlfriend Becki. We’ve just bought a house together – scary stuff.

What was your first job?

A recreational assistant at a sports centre near London.

If you could take over someone’s job for the day, whose would you pick?

Jenson Button’s on race day.

What worries you the most?


What is your proudest moment?

Completing a master’s degree in marketing at Southampton Solent University.