WELLNESS used to simply be the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, but recently it has come to mean something so much more.

“Wellness” is now big business, and I want in. A landmark birthday loitering at the end of the year has made me revaluate my lifestyle, which after years of working in a media office was not the healthiest.

Those who work for the monthly glossies tend to adhere to diets and exercise plans, but most magazine journalists I know subsist primarily on whatever free stuff is sent into the office.

This covers a broad spectrum from cupcakes and doughnuts to cookies and chocolate commemorating whatever national celebration is approaching.

From Valentine’s, to Mother's Day, Easter, to Father's Day, Halloween to Christmas, the year was signposted by chocolate markers. Which were swiftly eaten. We were once even sent a fridge by Häagen Dazs, which was restocked every month for a year. But when I spent time in California recently, I saw all around me the results of a healthy lifestyle. I have visited LA many times before and had seen the showbiz lacquer, the obsession with appearance and the results of cosmetic self-improvement, but this was the first time I experienced the other side - the one that starts from the ground up rather than just altering the external.

However, hiking in the hills, cycling along the beach, some of the best salads I've ever experienced, and carrot, orange and ginger juice for breakfast were all well and good when I was out there, but it's definitely easier to get on board when the average January temperature is between 48 and 68 degrees.

What about here when at least a quarter of the year is spent bundled and scurrying, and all I want to do in those winter months is marinate in pie gravy?

I'm just finding my way at the moment, but I've realised that wanting to be healthier is definitely to do with changing my whole mindset - instead of 'doing more exercise' or 'cutting out rubbish'.

I'm trying to incorporate some sort of physical activity into every day, and enjoying working out what food I can put together which is healthy but also tasty. I may even find out what kale is.

Or perhaps I’ll go back to LA with some home-grown British veg and try to start a new movement there.

Brussels sprouts and chestnut smoothie anyone?