PENNY Perry has run the successful sandwich shop Doorsteps, in Winchester Street, for 12 years.

What three words best describe you?

Good sense of humour?

What is your most precious possession?

My kitchen and my mixer

What was the first record you bought?

Bay City Rollers

What is the television programme you hate to miss?

Bake Off

What is your favourite film?

The Inbetweeners

What is your pet hate?

Rude people

If you could change one thing about the place where you live, what would it be?


What are you reading at the moment?

The Seaside Affair by Fern Britton

Is there anything you are superstitious about?


What is your favourite word?


And your least favourite word?


If you were choosing a last meal, what would it be?

Steak and chips

If you had one wish, what would it be?

To live by the sea

Is there a place in the world you would like to visit above all others?


What do you wish you were good at?

Decorating cakes

If you had a million pounds to give away, what would you do with the money?

Share it with family and friends and emigrate

If you had a time machine, where would it take you?

Back to the 80s

Is there someone well-known you’ve met who really impressed you?

John Glen

If you were stranded on a desert island, what luxury would you choose to have with you?


Tell us about your pets.

Sasha and Max

What would you never leave home without?

My handbag

If you could make or change any law, what would it be?

A life for a life

What was your first job?


If you could take over someone’s job for the day, whose would you pick?

Parking ambassador – and not give out any tickets

If you had a superpower, which one would you want?


What worries you most?

The future for my children and grandchildren

What are your proudest moments?

Having my three children

What one thing could change society for the better?

No internet

What would you like your epitaph to be?

Do not sit on my head

If you controlled taxes, what would you tax people on?

None – we pay enough already