Kathryn Tickell is performing with The Side at Salisbury City Hall on October 31.

What three words best describe you?

Loyal, creative, impatient.

Who was your childhood hero and why?

Debbie Harry – I just thought she was great. Or maybe Aly Bain, the Shetland fiddle player…I’m not sure quite which of them I most aspired to be.

What is your most precious possession and why is it important to you?

My Northumbrian pipes.

What was the first record/CD you bought?

Abba’s Greatest Hits!

If you could change one thing about the place where you live, what would it be?

More sunny days.

What is your favourite word?


And your least favourite word?

You wouldn’t want to print it…

Is there a place in the world you would like to visit above all others?

Not a specific place, but I’ve always wanted to do that ‘dream holiday’ thing – I can visualise it really clearly…white sandy beach, palm trees, shallow turquoise sea…and an exotic cocktail!

What do you wish you were good at?


If you had a time machine where would it take you?

Into the future, out of curiosity. And also because, although there are many events in the past that I would love to have been part of, in reality roles for women tended to be somewhat limited.

What was your most embarrassing moment?

Telling Bruce Springsteen that he should learn to play the concertina (I hadn’t realised who I was talking to!).

Is there someone well known you’ve met who really impressed you?

Jon Lord – such a gentleman.

If you were stranded on a desert island what luxury would you choose to have with you?

A library.

Tell us about a pet you own or would like to own.

I don’t think you can ever really ‘own’ a cat, but I’ve been privileged to co-exist with some brilliant ones. I just wish that somehow there was a way to bring my last cat, Percy, back to life. He was superb!

What is your party trick?

Reciting one of my grandad’s monologues (admittedly this is not likely to improve most parties…) What sports team do you support? Newcastle United (where I come from it’s obligatory).

If you had a superpower which one would you want?


What worries you the most?


What is your proudest moment?

When The Young Musicians Fund, a charity I set up in 1996, reached its target of raising £100,000.

What one thing could change society for the better?


What question do you think we should ask the next person to answer these questions?

Please will you donate some money to the Young Musicians Fund?!

What would you like your epitaph to be?

She did her best.