HAPPY Nachos Day! What with all the Hallowe’ening and fireworking going on, it may well have escaped your memory that the humble corn snack has been completely overlooked… Luckily, I have realised in time.

Today is also apparently ‘Men Make Dinner Day’, and ‘Saxophone Day’.

Tomorrow celebrates bittersweet chocolate with almonds; Saturday is dedicated to cappuccinos, Harvey Wallbangers, and parents acting as teachers; Sunday to scrapples (a 17th century American pork product similar to sausages); Monday is vanilla cupcakes and forget-me-nots, Tuesday is sundaes and veterans, and Wednesday is ‘Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day’.

I’m still trying to comprehend exactly why some of these commemorations have come into being, and who on earth even knows about them/celebrates them.

Also they are so fantastically and weirdly specific.

I don't know whether to be depressed at the lack of focus on really important issues – how about ‘NHS Appreciation Day’, or a day promoting political awareness, education, nutrition or understanding economics? – or relieved that important issues are not trivialised with the novelty of a ‘day’.

It’s a theme which has been touched on in the news this year, first with the make-up-free selfies for breast cancer awareness, and then with the ALS ice bucket challenge.

There were supporters and detractors for both, and, although I can see why some believed the campaigns to be self-promoting narcissism, I also believe that both were ultimately a positive thing.

People’s motives for doing anything at all in this world will always be mixed – some will be driven by true altruism, others by a more self-serving impetus, and some with a combination of the two – but both of these campaigns raised a lot of money and a lot of awareness.

So in the spirit of both Nachos Day, and the importance of awareness-raising, I would like to designate today ‘National What Would You Like To Be Recognised Day?’