THERE were cries of “ahoy me hearties” and "shiver me timbers” at Durrington Infant School when pupils swapped their uniforms for pirate costumes.

The transformation for the Year 2 pupils was to celebrate the end of their topic of learning on pirates.

“The children have been comparing people from the past,” said class teacher, Jodie Scott. “They have learnt about continents, map skills, language and the meaning of flags.”

She added: “I really enjoy our topic dress-up days. The children and the parents pull-out all the stops and it is fantastic to see the children engaged in activities and having a fantastic time.”

Over the last six weeks the youngsters have baked pirate biscuits, made sea animal themed collages, and made their own pirate sloops, discovering how many cannons the vessels hold before they sink.

Next term the children will be learning about the great fire of London.