A SALISBURY woman has won two big awards in the financial sector. 

Michelle Boakes, who works for Verve Financial, the financial advisors based in Durrington, has picked the Woman of the Year award at the Women in Financial Advice Awards. 

Verve Financial said: "Everyone here at Verve Financial is over the moon for this award, especially as it’s for something that means so much to Michelle.

"The award is open to women whose achievements and work, specifically within vulnerable client care and advice in the UK, have helped enhance this area of financial advice, particularly during the pandemic."

It added: "When we set up Verve Financial, we created a set of core values that would be central to the business.  One of our core values was to ensure our advice was accessible. Through this, we discovered more about the potential harm we could do if we didn't consider how clients’ vulnerable circumstances can affect our advice and how they engage with it.  

"Clients typically come into our office because something is changing or has changed for them – such as the loss of a loved one, retirement, divorce, change of job, health issues. This  means they are experiencing circumstances where they are potentially vulnerable . Which is why Michelle made sure we researched and learned as much as possible about vulnerability, and then took action."

Michelle said: “Winning this award means a lot to me. It shows that our commitment to ensuring clients experiencing vulnerable circumstances don't come to harm as a consequence of our advice is recognised by our peers.

"It shows that we want to make a difference in financial advice, that we care, and that you can trust us with your finances and your most private information.”

Michelle has recently renewed her financial abuse accreditation, which equips her with the knowledge and skills to help people experiencing financial abuse. 

She has also become a mental health first aider this year to make sure the company can spot the signs of someone experiencing poor mental health and signpost them to appropriate support. The rest of the team is now undertaking this training too.