The Winchester Gate will be screening the premiere of Chris Packham’s Inside Our Autistic Minds live this evening.

The documentary is on BBC2 at 9pm tonight. 

The Winchester Gate was used as a filming location for the programme, which follows the story of Salisbury comedian Flo Taylor, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s (now known as Autism Spectrum Disorder) in her early 20s, as she tries to help her mother understand how she sees the world.

The Winchester Gate manager Jamie Lilycrop said Flo has been performing comedy acts at The Winchester Gate for years.

BBC film crews visited The Winchester Gate twice. The first instance was to film Flo’s act with her comedy troupe.

Jamie said: “A section of Flo’s journey will involve the show that she did here at The Winchester Gate.”

Film crews returned to The Winchester Gate to film a screening of a partial version of the programme as a reveal to Flo’s mother.

Jamie said: “Part of the reveal to Flo’s mum was her watching the film on our big screen.”

Jamie said it is exciting to see the finished product of the show tonight, as it has been a year in the making. The Winchester Gate will be showing Chris Packham’s Inside Our Autistic Minds on the same big screen that features in the film.

Jamie said: “We felt very grateful that we were chosen to be the filming location.”