The speed limit down Stratford Road has long ceased to be 30 mph. Most cars, vans, motorcycles and lorries now travel down that road at an average speed of 40 to 45 mph without giving it a thought, and in total impunity. It’s a fact.

No one seems to care too much about it, certainly not the Salisbury police, whose constables rarely venture in our road. In fact, in the 42 years that I have lived in Stratford Road, I have seen one, possibly two, police patrols.

This is an average of four or five in a 100 years!! Dereliction of duty? You tell me!

However, we do worry when motorists drive at 50mph, possibly more, as, even if it is called a “road”, it really is just an average street, with the usual dodgy road surface, a busy school and a nursing home along its main (racing) stretch.

Does anybody care?

Fabrice Gauguier 

Stratford Road, Salisbury

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