Ofsted has praised Chilmark Primary School, in their latest report, saying the school is ‘Good’ in all areas, with high expectations of pupils and a desire to see them shine.

Inspectors said Chilmark is a happy and safe place and that pupils behave well and treat each other with respect.

A love of reading was highlighted as a strength.

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Ofsted said: “Pupils enjoy reading. They appreciate the library spaces and the wide range of books available to them. Teachers read to pupils in ways that excite and engage them. The youngest pupils get to know familiar stories and rhymes well. Older pupils speak enthusiastically about books they have read. They enjoy making book recommendations to each other.

“The school supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. Their needs are identified precisely and teaching is adapted effectively.

“Parents review the impact of support with the school so that pupils’ needs are met.”

The report adds: “Children in Reception Year get off to a strong start. Here, teaching is sharply focused on developing children’s communication and language.”

Head teacher Adam Smith said: “We are very proud of the work staff, pupils, governors and our community have undertaken to make this a good school. Chilmark is a very special place and as such uniquely able to offer a strong start in life to all pupils.”