The Salisbury Journal is now on WhatsApp - and we are asking our loyal readers to join our news channel. 

You can get the latest breaking news and top headlines straight to your phone if you just click the follow button on this link HERE 

Salisbury Journal: Every day, we'll be sharing the top stories in Salisbury - plus the best images, videos and other content.

Please switch your notifications on to get our updates immediately. Click the 🔔 at the top of the WhatsApp channel to activate! You can also leave notifications off and check the channel at a time most suitable to you - but you might miss the breaking stories. 

Salisbury Journal: Editor Kimberley Barber with the new Salisbury Journal WhatsApp ChannelEditor Kimberley Barber with the new Salisbury Journal WhatsApp Channel (Image: Newsquest)

Editor Kimberley Barber said: "Most people know how instant and easy WhatsApp is, that's why I am delighted to see our team launch a WhatsApp channel.

"We already send out breaking news alerts via email, and have a great following for our email newsletters, as well as our many social media accounts, but I hope the WhatsApp channel will be another way to help you stay in touch with the news and your community."

You can follow the Salisbury Journal on WhatsApp HERE