Residents and staff at Milford House Care Home in Salisbury were treated to an afternoon of song from "The Navy Larks" who performed a variety of old and new shanties and songs of the sea.

Sung with spirit and gusto the group had residents joining in with familiar favourites such as "What shall we do with the drunken sailor?"

General manager Gemma Hicks said: "It was wonderful to see residents, family and friends all packed into our dining room for such a lively and uplifting performance.

"It may have been wet and windy outside but it was all smiles and fun inside. We cannot thank the group enough for coming into the home and entertaining us so royally and we were more than delighted to make a donation to the group's chosen charities.

"We are keeping our fingers well and truly crossed in the hope that they can be persuaded to come in again, as everyone at Milford who attended has clearly had a wonderful time."