BONFIRES built in advance of Guy Fawkes are “hedgehog hotels” – according to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS).

Every year thousands of hedgehogs in the New Forest die or suffer horrific injuries because bonfire piles are not checked before being lit. Now the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) is warning people not to build a bonfire until the day they are to be lit. Chief Executive of BHPS Fay Vass said: “Piles of bonfire material look like five star hotels to a hedgehog in search of a hibernation site.

“It is crucial to dismantle and move bonfire material that has been stored in advance on open ground. Move it to another spot just before lighting. “Ensure it’s moved to clear ground - never on top of a pile of leaves as there could be a hedgehog underneath, and not too close to pampas grass which can ignite very easily and is another favourite spot for hedgehogs to hide under.”

If a large bonfire has to be built in advance, protect it whilst building by putting some chicken wire one metre high all the way around the bottom.