MEMBERS of the Trefoil Guild gathered in Salisbury last weekend and enjoyed a special church service to celebrate its 60th anniversary.

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers joined in the celebration, which was held in the Methodist church near Salt Lane, and spoke about what motivated and inspired their enjoyment each week.

The guild members, who are all volunteers, form the senior section of Guiding and help with activities and weekly programmes where needed in the community.

Reverend Gill Hunt led the service and explained that she herself had grown up through the movement, learning the values of being a Guide, before going onto be a Guider and mentor to young leaders.

“Friendship encapsulates so much of what being a guide is,” she said. “No matter how old we are, we all have a role to play.”

Guild chairman Sue Harris said: “It was an enjoyable service that brought everyone together.”