This is rather strange.

Well, not really but it’s different. I am all alone. I can only hear the intense breathing of the central heating (why do boilers sound as if they are dragons breathing out fiery air?) and the Autumnal birds (bird watching was never a strong past time) tweaking or squeaking overhead.

There is no one around to poise their head around the corner and begin interrogating me on my purpose in life.

(My 5 year business plan has slightly gone array. But, I still have one, somewhere, in the ether ……. Or maybe it consists of ideas, picked up along the yellow brick road that become stored and filtered in my brain.) • An aside note. A friend of mine, deep in knowledge of all things, said that men have bigger brains than women. Women become overwhelmed with too much information (long live TMI) easily. Now, this was directed towards me as I am of small sized brain, akin to a pea but is this altogether right? The individual in question was of course, A MAN. Women readers, please respond. And Men too, fighting their case or cause.

Thus, I have the chance to develop my invisible purpose in life, whilst no-one is around, watching me at every turn. Please don’t get me wrong, I am not living with a spy or a mercenary. But, when one is not in the presence of another animate being, life leads a different course.

For a start, how do you feel when you wake up and don’t use your delectable vocal chords until meeting a random person a couple of hours later? Suddenly, from no-where in particular, sounds appear from somewhere beneath one’s nose. These form to create words. And hearing oneself speak, for the first time in the day to another human being is rather a weird one. The intensity of weirdness does depend upon the length of the gap since last speaking to all the other souls crowding the planet.

And, how much one actually converses to oneself.

Yes, it’s confession time. How often do you chatter away to yourself? I do. A lot. It’s a 24 hour radio show inside my head. (It gets a bit tiring and watching the TV or radio creates too many ‘voices’ inside my head. Contrary to popular belief, I am not schizophrenic.) So, having awaken to the dawn of a new day, communicated with one other person, it is then interesting ‘going out into the world’, meeting and greeting daily life, with the knowledge that at the end of the day, after the lights have dimmed in the sky, the front door closes and one is alone.

With the dragon from inside the airing cupboard.

I find it all rather exciting. As suddenly, out of no-where, I find interesting thoughts occurring to me. Obviously, they are not profound, wise and wonderful ideas that will relieve the world of all its ‘issues’. But, I learn little things such as if one does not clean the house, it will simply get dirtier. If one does not pick up clothes from the floor, they will not fly through the sky aka Mary Poppins’ style to the cupboard. If one does not feed any pets that inhabit the space, they will undoubtedly die. Plants fall into that latter category.

On the rare occasion that inestimable knowledge drops into my pea size brain I do buzz around rather excitedly. I have to have a little party, ALL BY MYSELF. It’s rather fun having a party alone. For a start, not much preparation is called for. I don’t have to travel anywhere. I am not exhausted the next day and best of all, I can quit trying to make polite conversation.

What an exhilarating life.

On the other hand, being alone all the time, would become a little bit dreary. Most of us were not born to be hermits. No, we are definitely creatures with the innate tendency to share the bits and pieces that make up our individual parts. We want to laugh, cry, shout, whisper, hug and hold another on our journeys. That is what makes our insights into life so rich and rewarding. It’s the sharing, the being with another, and the cup of tea that always get cold as the conversation drifts into the night …… But, for now, I will enjoy my 6 hours’ alone. Yes, it’s really quite a long time, if you think about it.