A VILLAGE church is set to welcome a new parish community worker tonight, after being awarded a “generous” grant from a religious trust.

Lewis Pearson is hoped to make a real impact on the community for the next two or three years in Alderholt, says the Rev Pip Martin of St James’s.

“Not in terms of bums on pews,” he said. “But in connecting with the school and the wider community and injecting hope and energy we think he’ll make a big difference.”

Lewis will be welcomed to the church tonight by the Bishop of Sherborne, Graham Kings.

The church has added its own money to the diocese’s Aldhelm Mission Trust grant to be able to employ Lewis, 29, from Enfield, who has worked with churches and charities for 10 years doing youth work.

Rev Martin, although he has been at the church for 20 years next month, was awarded the grant after impressing the diocese with innovative ideas to bring the church and the community together, such as the Beer and Hymns event held in the local sports bar.

“There was a good mix of people there,” he said. “I was a bit nervous of turning off the cricket, but they all said, ‘no, we’re here for the Beer and Hymns’.”

Another event that brings the community together is Easter children’s activities, which attracts 100 local youngsters.

But Rev Martin believes that with Lewis’s help the church can reach out to even more people.

He said: “I’d like to see more connections between the church and the community and I don’t mind if people express that by coming to church more.

“Lewis will be helping people explore the Christian faith wherever they are, particularly in his work with the school.”