THIS may be the third week in January but it is still not too late to make new year resolutions, especially if these are green themed and there are many ideas on this page to get you off to a flying start.

Salisbury City Council will be planting apple orchards at Fisherton Recreation Ground and a mixed orchard of apple, plum and cherry trees on Bishopdown Green this month. It is still looking for volunteers to help plant, prune and harvest both orchards (contact Polly on 01722 342860).

Taking on an allotment is a big commitment, but if you get your family involved, you will be rewarded with fresh fruit and vegetables most of the year round. Plot sizes can be daunting but Salisbury City Council are offering a number of half plots to help encourage new allotment holders (telephone number as above for information).

By joining Salisbury Allotments Association, you will find a helping hand in terms of advice and support. In September the association held its first Dig Together Day offering advice on planting and potting as well as hosting a seed swap.

There are many people and companies that are putting the environment top of their list of priorities and Green Living would love to hear from them as well as schools or community groups that are doing interesting or sustainable projects.