Five years ago Salisbury Allotments Association held its first annual horticultural show at St Michael’s Hall, Bemerton Heath. This has now become one of the highlights of the growing calendar – Anne Morris reports

HAVING an allotment and growing your own has become synonymous with green living.

They are great for the environment, encouraging beneficial insects and wildlife (some unwanted) as well as being a perfect escape from a hectic lifestyle and the chance to share growing your own with all the family.

August is a busy month with harvesting at full flow on most plots while back in the kitchen jars await being crammed with chutney and freezer bags are bought in quantity.

So, who would want to enter a horticultural show?

The mayor of Salisbury, John Abbott, summed it up at trophy giving on Saturday afternoon. “A bit of friendly rivalry is good.” That is one reason, another is the chance to show off your perfect chillies that have been nurtured and fed in the greenhouse. And then there is the chance to feel part of a bigger picture, and that is Salisbury Allotments Association.

I never thought I would be someone to enter a horticultural show but it really is rather fun. You don’t have to grow prize vegetables, there are classes for odd shaped vegetables, cookery (including a yummy chocolate courgette cake), wildlife photography, vases of flowers, jars of produce, and most importantly, for those future allotment holders – categories for children to enter. Ellie Gough (pictured) had made a lovely rabbit made from vegetables with French bean ears and courgette flower arms.

And while the coveted cups are awarded, there is the thrill of seeing your name on a piece of paper being awarded second for your allotment collection (or top tray) for three types of vegetables and two types of fruit.

If you didn’t enter this year, do consider picking up a show schedule next year from the trading hut in Coldharbour Lane – it is worth the little bit of effort.

n Shipton Bellinger will be holding its flower and produce stall on Saturday in the village hall at 2.30pm (with cups and auction at 3.45pm).

n A full list of prizewinners from the horticultural show will appear in next week’s community news.