PLANS to build a two-bedroom house between two existing houses have been dismissed by a planning inspector at appeal.

Mr J Richard Womersley Smith asked for planning permission to demolish a single-storey derelict garage and build a two-storey two-bedroom house on land between 6 James Street and 36 Sidney Street in Salisbury.

Wiltshire Council refused to grant planning permission in June because its excessive bulk and poor design would be out of keeping with the character of the area and look cramped.

Planning inspector Paul Jackson agreed with Wiltshire Council and said the proposed house would have an “unacceptably detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the area”.

He said the area is characterised by Victorian terraced houses and the proposed house would fill the gap between the two existing houses, contrasting with the established pattern of development in the area and would be overbearing.

He also said there would be a detrimental effect on the living conditions of neighbours and the benefit of adding to the housing stock and getting rid of a derelict garage did not outweigh the harm and dismissed the appeal.