EIGHTEEN members attended the October meeting held in the village hall.

President Sue Taylor welcomed members and gave apologies and news of absent friends.

A birthday card and cyclamen were presented to Vivian Longland, who had endeavoured to keep birthday details a secret!

Congratulations were given to Heather Dudley for raising nearly £400 at the very successful Macmillan Coffee Morning.

The treasurer then explained that we had de-registered from the Register of Charities but as we are under the WI umbrella we are still able to claim charitable status.

Members then discussed the WI centenary next year and the possibility of making an Institute banner, the Three Valleys Meeting later in the month, the visit to a cookery demonstration at Waitrose in December, suggestions required for next year’s programme and the Christmas meeting, which will be a DIY Day with a festive finger buffet, make a table centre competition and other appropriate happenings.

After a welcome cup of coffee Sue introduced the speaker, our own Jan Moore who has holidayed in many parts of the world. She chose Iceland as her topic this time. Members were fascinated to take a trip around the country by slides and a knowledgeable commentary by Jan, even if there was difficulty pronouncing some of the names – none of us knew any better!

The competition this month was a Travel Tip and several were submitted with appropriate illustrations. 1 Julie Macey, 2 Sue Gillingham and 3 Vivian Longland.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 12, when Sue West will give a talk on Vintage Knitting.