The Thomas Hardy Society's Salisbury group has marked its 100th meeting with a lunch at the White Hart Hotel with toasts to the author and the group’s founder member. It was formed in 1996 on the initiative of David Morrish, whose career took him away from the area soon after.

It has since flourished under the leadership of Mervyn Scamell. The members have considered many aspects of Hardy’s life and literary output, particularly his novels, poems and short stories.

An annual highlight has been a summer lunch provided by Barbara and Alex Saunt at Corton. At some of these the group has welcomed Hardy scholars. Dr James Gibson, the editor of The Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy, spoke at several meetings until his untimely death in 2005.

The late Hugh Thomas was an enthusiastic, and now much missed, member. The group has welcomed into its membership Stephen Mottram whose knowledge of all matters relating to Hardy has enhanced its discussions.

The group’s other activities have included the promotion of a performance of The Mayor of Casterbridge by the Forest Forge Theatre at Whiteparish Village Hall.

The day ended with a celebratory cake and champagne toasts at the home of Margaret and Mervyn Scamell.