ON Wednesday, the Salisbury-Xanten Twinning Association (SXTA) held its annual general meeting.

After a warm welcome by Kevin Cardy (vice president), the chairman Chris Hewitt gave his report. The visit in June 2014 by Xanteners to Salisbury had proved a great success. As too had the Bierfest held in September at River Bourne Community Farm; £1,500 was donated towards the Mayor’s Appeal for Exeter House School and a cheque presented to the Mayor at the SXTA stall on the Salisbury Christmas Market.

The SXTA also decorated a tree as part of the Christmas Tree Festival in St Thomas’s Church. The treasurer’s report and accounts were accepted and the election of officers for 2015 confirmed.

The calendar of events for 2015 was discussed.

This included social events such as “Kaffee und Kuchen” (coffee/tea and cake) and a visit to London in June with a tour of Big Ben.

A quiz evening will be held on Wednesday, February 4 after the monthly meeting.

Planning for the visit by Salisbury families to Xanten in June is under way. The SXTA meets the first Wednesday in the month at the Pheasant Inn, Salt Lane, at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome. Further information about membership and events is available from the secretary on 01980 863255.