SUE Fry opened the meeting, on a very damp and dirty evening.

There was a good attendance considering the weather.

She went on to announce the funeral date for an old member, Joan Jones, and then Bobby’s memorial on Friday, January 30.

The committee members have volunteered to help with the teas in the village hall after the service.

Liz then went on to tell members something of the life of Joan Jones, who was always involved in village life and will be sadly missed.

Sue talked about the resolutions and encouraged members to fill in the form in the WI magazine.

A letter of thanks was read out from Alabaré, thanking members for their Christmas gifts, and Sue thanked members for their generosity, as she had two very large sacks of presents to give to the charity.

The AGM in June is to be streamed through the internet for the first time ever, so that people can watch it on their computers.

Liz, Sue and Jans are going to attend at the Albert Hall and there was a suggestion about streaming it into the village hall perhaps the day after, so that everyone could see it.

This is now up for discussion.

The date for the plant sale has been fixed for May 16, so you can start thinking about seeds and cuttings well in advance – the more the merrier.

Members then listened to an interesting and lively talk from Roz, about hats. She explained how to wear them, and used some of the members as models amid much laughter.

She also went on to talk about the history of the shapes and materials used in the manufacture of hats.

It was very entertaining – and the lights stayed on.

The meeting then broke up with lots of laughter before going members went out into a very cold and miserable night.

The next meeting will be in the village hall on 18th February 18, when the speaker will be Jack Kennedy, artisan baker, and the competition will be to guess the names of five cheeses.