MOURNERS from far and wide will be gathering at Salisbury Cathedral today for the funeral of the former Dean of Westminster Abbey, the Very Reverend Michael Mayne.

He was Dean of Westminster from 1986 until 1996 and when he retired that year, was appointed KCVO. He afterwards moved to Salisbury, living with his wife, Alison, in St Mark's Road, and took a great interest in the city's cathedral and theatre.

He became chaplain to the Playhouse and also served on its appeal committee, raising the first large contribution - £70,000 donated by the Garfield Western Trust.

Paying tribute to him this week, president of the Playhouse's capital campaign, Lady Benson, said: "Michael was such a nice man. Everyone who met him loved him."

Michael Clement Otway Mayne, born in 1929 in his father's country vicarage in Northamptonshire, earned a reputation as one of the most able and hardworking priests of his generation.

Before he became Dean of Westminister, he held numerous other key posts, including those as Vicar of Great St Mary's, the University Church at Cambridge, head of religious programmes on BBC Radio and chaplain to Bishop Mervyn Stockwood.

He had a wide knowledge of the arts and modern drama and wrote several books, including a religious best seller. He also conducted the memorial service for Lord Olivier.

Mr Mayne read English at Corpus Christi, Cambridge and trained for the ministry at Cuddesdon.

He is survived by his wife, a son and daughter.