SWAN Advocacy has been given £5,000 from Wiltshire Council’s Carers Small Grant Scheme to deliver advocacy support to carers for disabled children in Wiltshire.

With this funding Swan will be providing an independent advocacy service to carers who support disabled children and young people, supporting them to speak up about the challenges and issues they experience.

Teresa Wells, interim chief executive for Swan said: “We are very grateful to Wiltshire Council in providing the funds to enable this service to take place.

“This support is very much needed, as previously under our current services we could only support carers of disabled adults aged 18 plus.

“As result of this funding we are now able to widen our advocacy provision over the next year and we see this service being of great benefit.”

There are an estimated 7,093 children and young people with disabilities in Wiltshire, with 3,378 estimated to have complex disabilities.

Swan provides specialist trained advocates with relevant experience to enable the carers to become more confident, less anxious and able to build their self-esteem so they can raise their issues, voice their concern, and put their case forward.

For more information contact Swan’s head office on 01722 341852 or email mail@swanadvocacy.org.uk.