A SCHOOLBOY has raised £400 for charity by organising a fun run in memory of an inspirational biology teacher.

Sam Davison, a 14-year-old pupil at Bishop Wordsworth’s, wanted to pay tribute to Paul Collins, who died of cancer in January.

So he roped in 70 schoolmates by putting up posters, using the school email system and through announcements in assembly, and persuaded them to pay a fee to take part. Escorted by teachers Terry Gilmour and David Podger on bikes, the boys followed a three-kilometre route devised by Sam, taking in the Cathedral Close, Churchill Gardens and back up Exeter Street.

On Tuesday Sam, who lives in St Francis Road, handed over a cheque to representatives of Cancer Research UK outside the school and was given a certificate of appreciation for his efforts.

He said: “Mr Collins wanted to raise money for cancer research and I wanted to help. He taught me in Year 7, and he was a great teacher.”

Sam’s mother Lara said: “He had to organise the run to make it exactly 3k, had to do a risk assessment, making it as safe as possible with minimal road crossings, phone two councils and the cathedral and get clearance, and that had to go through committees so he did a lot of chasing.”