THE start of the Parliamentary recess last week was rightly postponed in order to deal with the unfolding events of “Hackgate” and, while the grubby practice of phone hacking is clearly widespread, MPs from all parties have worked tirelessly to expose the issues and demand answers.

With a judge-led investigation and a sensible list of appointees to the inquiry panel, we should finally see some firm recommendations for change going forward.

n Recess will last until early September but, apart from a short family break, I will be working in the constituency and I, therefore, hope to meet many of you out and about.

n I also hope the weather improves to more resemble summer. So many events in the last few weeks have been hampered by rain including my very first Buckingham Palace garden party last week where the heavens really opened.

I was pleased to see the Queen shrugs off any downpour with see-through umbrellas to match her outfit, in this case a wonderful emerald green, and that the Duke of Edinburgh is still remarkably sprightly whatever the weather.

n It has been hard to notice any other political news over the last few weeks, but there have been other important announcements from the Government including: the long term future of military bases (all of the bases near Salisbury remain open and there will be substantially more investment in the reserves and territorial forces), more certainty over school capital funding and a change in policy to allow councils to keep more of their local business rates.

I have long argued this is the best way to better align council and local business over matters such as parking charges and planning, and it is great to finally see some progress.

If I can help you with anything, or you would like to come to one my regular advice sessions, then please do call my local office on 01380 729358, or write to me at the House of Commons.