HAVING a pooch myself I share the Laverstock dog walkers’ annoyance at the access restrictions imposed by the River Bourne Community Farm in order to create a nature field.

For many years the field in question, which incidentally is not adjacent to the River Bourne HQ, has been successfully shared by the farmer, dog walkers and wildlife alike.

It’s a beautiful spot for an evening stroll and at this time of year one of the few places not knee deep in mud.

Or at least it was until the Community Farm decided to simultaneously fence it, plough it, and put sheep in it.

Given that the nearby Cocky Down nature reserve is fully accessible to wildlife, walkers, dogs and the occasional cow, it's hard to understand why the community farm feels the need to fence this land off.

If they go on like this River Bourne Community Farm is going to have to come up with a new name as there aren't many in my community who either understand or support what they're trying to do here.

MARK JOHNSON, Laverstock