HOW can the three professional architects of Concrete Ideas assume the large number of bus passengers regularly to be found queuing for buses to Southampton, Bournemouth, Amesbury and Andover, as well as local villages, should be expected to stand waiting in on-street shelters along Endless and Winchester Streets?

It beggars belief.

This week I waited in the crowded shelter outside the British Legion with passengers for Laverstock and Shaftesbury in pouring rain, with pedestrians impeded by the queuing passengers.

Anyone familiar with modern, efficient European bus stations will see they are co-located with railway and taxi stations, with heated waiting rooms and toilets.

I suggest Stanhope, the developers for the central car park, considers locating a modern, covered bus station to the south west of the car park, connected by a covered way to the adjacent platform of Salisbury railway station – in short, no more inhospitable on-street crowded bus stops.

Bus passengers expect the basic requirements of a warm waiting room and a café with toilets – obviously not a consideration of our city’s professional architects and planners.

JACK THOMPSON, West Grimstead