WE have witnessed the Government and the Environment Agency at odds over the Somerset flooding.

A major contributory factor to the flooding has been the fact that nobody wishes to mention - namely that the governance of environmental policy, and in particular drainage, rests with the EU.

The hands of the Government are tied, as are those of the Environment Agency because of EU directives.

Mr Cameron's pronouncements on dredging may be contrary to EU law.

And people may wish to discuss the merits of the highspeed rail project HSR2 compared with the need for financing massive flood prevention across the whole of the UK.

Clearly, the merits of getting a few people to Birmingham in 10 minutes less journey time pales into insignificance compared with the agony of thousands of householders and who are flooded today, and may be again in the future should the weather pattern be repeated more frequently.

Alan Wood, Fittleton

WITH all the bad weather and, worse, flooding, I inquire as to where all those new homes that Labour claim they will build, if elected, are going to be placed?

Many developers will not touch any land that is likely to flood knowing full well the resales will prove difficult.

Lenders are now much more cautious.

Insurance will be harder to find. I predict a massive slowing down in the property market again, and prices will drop, apart from those of existing homes on high ground well away from rivers and cliff tops.

In the meantime, I can see more estate agencies closing down where they have offices in areas near to, or including, flooded areas, as the property market will be badly hit.

I also wonder how many Conservative-led, Government loan guarantee mortgages up to £600,000 were granted on properties now flooded.

Richard Grant, Burley

I WOULD like to ask motorists to be more considerate of pedestrians, and slow their speed when driving through water that is close to pavements.

I walked my dog through Salisbury city centre this week and we were drenched three times by vehicles driving through water.

Others slowed their speed and managed not to throw up the huge spray that leaves pedestrians soaked, or even stopped to allow me to get past the flooding before they drove through it.

On the narrow streets of the city, there is often no avoiding the flooding itself, so this behaviour is very welcome - if only all were so considerate.

Collette Bell, Salisbury