IN reply to the letter from Major John Turner — I feel that he has been extremely rude to every person who took part in the VE Day parade in Salisbury.

Does he not realise that not everyone is retired and able to attend these events?

He should also remember that the veterans are getting fewer in number.

Also, not everyone lives in Salisbury, myself included, and VE Day was being celebrated in other areas.

As for the remarks about the city council, may I say they have always been supportive whenever possible.

I suggest that if Major Turner feels he could organise things better he should give it a go instead of criticising those who work extremely hard to organise such events.

At least he did mention a welcome to 32 Regiment Royal Artillery.

And as for people asking what was happening, sorry, but with all the publicity on VE Day celebrations throughout the country, they should really have known.

Jean King
