LONGFORD Estates have invited certain householders to ‘individual’ meetings to ostensibly hear our initial feedback to their scheme to build 100 homes on the two fields adjacent to Britford Lane.

Within the same letter it makes it abundantly clear that, irrespective of our comments, they intend to submit a planning application in the near future.

We residents have no interest in tinkering with a scheme that we consider to be fundamentally ill-conceived.

We are all experienced enough to know that it is very unlikely that Longford Estates and St Nicholas’ Trustees will develop the site should they secure planning permission and that when the site is sold on, the only thing that will resonate will be the permission for residential development on this beautiful green corridor.

We have recent and local evidence in the form of the Souchez site on Britford Lane where consent was obtained for six houses, the site subsequently sold, and now the council is considering a planning application for double the number of houses.

If the landowners were genuine about engaging with the public and listening to what the community wants, they would be awaiting the outcome of the council’s current review of additional housing sites.

That would be the democratic route.

Clearly they are gambling on securing planning permission in this transitory period.

They have already developed their scheme to an advanced stage. No amount of cycle paths, nature trails or Poundbury-esque buildings will negate the fact that Longford Estates and St Nicholas Hospital are proposing to turn two attractive green fields in the setting of Salisbury Cathedral and the river valley to a sterile, Tarmacked site.

Many of the residents affected by these proposals will be unable to make the individual consultation they have chosen to stage during the working day and many more are unwilling to engage in such cynical manoeuvres.

We can only conclude that their overtures to us are a tokenistic exercise in public engagement and we wish to make it known to Longford Estates and St Nicholas Hospital that we unequivocally OBJECT to residential development at this site.