WITH reference to your article in the Journal, October 22, announcing the approval of plans for 99 homes and an extension to the primary school in Downton, I am writing on behalf of the Downton Neighbourhood Plan team.

The Neighbourhood Plan is in its final stages and was said to be a “material consideration” for the planning committee. Despite this, the community’s preference for small developments, proper consideration of impact on traffic congestion and the use of green energy in new housing appears not to have had any impact on the committee’s final decision.

Your article reminds us that the matter was considered by the Strategic Planning Committee, but at least two of the councillors present indicated that they felt unable to operate at a strategic level because of the influence that already agreed available housing sites and the persuasion used by developers in promising funding for community facilities had on their eventual decision.

It seems to us that Wiltshire Council need to either abandon any pretence at operating strategically in planning or to allow the influence expected under the Localism Act to give them the authority to take a stand with powerful developers.

With reduced national funding and the cost of defending appeals this latter approach is going to take a strong council. Can we believe that Wiltshire is that strong council?

JANE BRENTOR Secretary Downton Neighbourhood Plan Group