WITH regards to the public toilets in Wilton Market Square, yes, your correspondent is correct – it is Wiltshire Council’s intention to close these unless the town council takes them over, which will mean that the cost will mean an increase in the town council’s precept.

At the recent Budget Consultation in the Guildhall, I made it clear to Baroness Scott (call me Jane) that if we took over these toilets and the precept went up, would the corresponding amount be reduced in the Wiltshire Council Tax and she said ‘no’ so double taxation.

I later asked her if they would be handed over in good condition or money given to the Town Council to bring them up to standard again the answer was ‘no’.

For several weeks now one of the cubicles in the men’s toilet is minus of a toilet seat a new one still at the time of writing this has not been provided! I wonder if the Baroness would like to sit on a toilet with no seat ?

Wilton town council is a responsible council and will do what is right but it will be at a cost make no mistake about that.

CLLR PHIL MATTHEWS Worshipful Mayor of Wilton