An animal rehabilitation centre in Dinton has reached the finals of the Animal Star Awards in the category “Animal Therapist of the Year” for the Southern region.

Nadder Valley Animal Rehabilitation, run by Hannah Topping and Tori Edwards, is a small partnership business located in Dinton, just a few hundred yards from the Nadder River.

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The duo opened the centre together last year, after meeting in 2018 during their studies of veterinary physiotherapy – “we’ve been through the whole process together,” they told the Journal.

Salisbury Journal: Tori Edwards (left) and Hannah Topping (right)

Tori and Hannah are delighted to have reached the final: “Our centre has gone from strength to strength, supporting dog owners, rehabilitating their beloved companions and getting them back doing what they love!”

The centre provides bespoke treatment packages for canine patients throughout their rehabilitative journey. Hannah and Tori are qualified veterinary physiotherapists and offer a broad range of treatments including hydrotherapy - with both a pool and under water treadmill, therapeutic laser and ultrasound.

Salisbury Journal: Nadder Valley Animal Rehabilitation

Tori said: “We are just really grateful to be recognised, we love our job and working with animals, and being recognised for that is just amazing.

“It’s really lovely to raise awareness for what we do, so many people aren’t aware of these treatments.

“We are quite individual in what we offer, there’s nowhere within a 20-mile radius that offers all of the same services. We just want to make sure we are known about!”

Salisbury Journal: Nadder Valley Animal Rehabilitation

With more than 700 nominations this year, the Animal Star Awards gives recognition to animals and humans alike for the extraordinary things they do for one another.

Tori and Hannah will now go onto the finals on Sunday, May 26, in Portsmouth, where a panel of judges will choose a winner and highly commended from the finalists of each category.  

For more information about Nadder Valley Animal Rehabilitation, visit: