A VILLAGE pub will feature on ITV and guests are invited to come along to the filming session for a chance to win a cash prize.

The White Horse, in Quidhampton, will host a television crew for lunch from noon on Tuesday, May 21, before they film a trailer for a game which will be played on This Morning and Loose Women.

While the details are vague, there has been talk of a celebrity guest appearance at the pub and two lucky guests could win some money.

Landlady Steph Kershaw will also be taking part in a game which she explained involves picking from three pots with one containing a stack of cash.

Salisbury Journal: Steph and Pete Kershaw manage the White Horse in Quidhampton.Steph and Pete Kershaw manage the White Horse in Quidhampton. (Image: The White Horse)

Steph believes the crew are filming a segment for a car and cash prize competition, part of which will take place outside Wilton Town Hall.

"It seems a bit strange," she said.

"Normally when they do competitions they are done in a place where the sun is shining. Why they want gloomy Quidhampton I don't know."

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Upon receiving the call, Steph was "flabbergasted" but she's excited about the opportunity.

"It will be nice to get our little pub on the map because we're a tiny village pub that is struggling at the moment," she added.

Salisbury Journal: The White Horse will feature on ITV.The White Horse will feature on ITV. (Image: Google Maps)

Steph and her husband Pete took over the pub last November and they are looking forward to utilising the pub's large beer garden this summer.

People have been encouraged to "support their local" and visit the pub on Tuesday to show it in the best light possible on national television.

Guests are asked to book a table in advance as there is only room for 60 people inside.

Wiltshire councillor for the area Pauline Church has also urged people to get down to the pub, saying ITV want to see a "busy happy pub". 

Cllr Church added: "It will be great publicity for the pub and for the village. 

"Let's show them its a great pub, and an important part of the community".